Only through effective management can your department be compliant with NFPA and OSHA standards, attain better ISO ratings, and strive to achieve certification through the Center for Public Safety Excellence. With our StationSMARTS software your department can improve performance and more effectively manage the risks inherent in fire services.
StationSMARTS: Smart Records Management
Effective and efficient records management enables your operation to systematically control the creation, distribution, use, maintenance and disposition of recorded information, and maintain it as documented evidence of the department’s daily activities, rosters, inspections and apparatus maintenance.
StationSMARTS helps your department:
- Document its day-to-day activities to demonstrate its effectiveness to the community
- Illustrate the case for budget support by providing documented evidence of need
- Access pre-fire plans and other relevant information while responding to an incident
- Respond quickly and confidently to a lawsuit or legal inquiry
- Accurately track and report on all pertinent activities.
StationSMARTS: Smart Performance Management
Performance management require activities which ensure that goals are consistently being met. To achieve these goals in an effective and efficient manner. The focus should be on the effectiveness, completeness and accuracy of data generated and managed by the department.
StationSMARTS helps your department:
- Support and monitor your goals and overall strategic plan
- Monitor your department’s activities with a flexible activity tracker
- Ensure all staff training is tracked, directly linking it to NFPA standards
- Track accurate time and attendance
- Improves your department’s ISO rating
StationSMARTS: Smart Risk Management
Risk management is the identification, assessment and prioritization of risks followed by a coordinated effort to minimize, monitor and control those risks. The NFPA broadly defines risk as the chance of injury or loss. StationSMARTS helps your department:
- Identify deficiencies in training
- Identify deficiencies in apparatus and equipment maintenance
- Track residential and commercial inspections
- Improve safety with the community with pre-plans capability
StationSMARTS: A Smart Way to Manage Fire Services Operations
StationSMARTS is a comprehensive and unified platform providing instant access to local fire codes and ordinances; integrates NFPA standards; tracks training efforts; helps departments conduct consistent accurate and timely inspections; and tracks day-to-day activities. Every module is fully integrated within the application. Together, these modules are designed to help departments like yours manage the department’s records, performance and risk.

Dave Rocco is the managing partner of StationSmarts, a comprehensive risk management system for fire departments. Dave has more than three decades of experience designing and building innovative solutions for government agencies to address the complex challenges associated with modern information management. Having spoken with countless Fire Chiefs about their need to do a better job tracking information his focus is to assist fire departments to improve their records management.
Contact him at dave@stationsmarts.com.